This MIB contains objects pertinent to a Resource Policy Management System (RPMS) server. RPMS is a key component of Cisco Any Service Any Port (ASAP) solution and provides the ability to dynamically share resources across network access servers (NAS). RPMS enables enforcement of Service Level Agreements(SLA) between wholesale providers and their customers. Such SLA enforcement is done at call pre-authentication stage. An SLA is conceptually a set of clauses (limits) that dictate how voice, dial and/or virtual private data network (VPDN) services will be provided by the wholesaler.

MIB content (56 objects)


Cisco Systems, Inc.
Contact info
Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:


2002-04-17 00:00
Updated name from Resource Pool Manager Server to Resource Policy Management System (RPMS). This reflects product change, Corrected omission of 'crpmsVpdnGroupCpEntryStatus' from 'crpmsVpdnGroup' object group in initial release, Updated E-Mail contact to correct list for rpms.
2001-11-01 00:00
Initial version of this MIB module.