
The status of the discovery on the local switch. Initially when the switch comes up, this object will be set to 'databaseInvalid' state on all VSANs. This indicates that a discovery needs to be done. If the manager sets the fcsStartDiscovery object to 'startDiscovery' for this VSAN, then the discovery will be triggered on. The state of this object will be set to 'inProgress' for this VSAN during the discovery. Once the discovery is completed on this VSAN, this object will be set to 'completed'. After the discovery is completed for the specified list of VSANs, the data is cached for an interval of time specified by fcsVsanDiscoveryTimeOut object. Once this interval of time expires, the data is lost and this object will be set to 'databaseInvalid' state for the specified list of VSANs.


Access Type
readonly inProgress(1), completed(2), databaseInvalid(3)

Parent fcsDiscoveryStatusEntry