
This object is used to order the IP protocol filters within a filter profile. The filter with the lowest order position number is applied first, that is cippfIpFilterOrderPosition '1'. The order position number among all filters of a profile is always consecutive. The agent will automatically arrange the order position to a consecutive manner for the filter entries within the profile after each addition (when the created entry moves to 'active' state) and modification or deletion (when the active entry moves out from 'active' state) of any filter. For example, a new filter is added to an empty profile with the cippfIpFilterOrderPosition '2' , the filter will be actually positioned to cippfIpFilterOrderPosition '1' by the agent. Moreover, if there are 3 filters in the profile and their order positions are 1, 2, and 3. Adding a new filter with any cippfIpFilterOrderPosition greater than '3' will produce the same effect. The new filter will actually be in position '4' because the agent maintains the filters in consecutive order. When a filter is removed from a profile, the filters following this filter will be moved forward and decrement their order position numbers. For example, if there are 6 filters in the profile and their order positions are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Deleting the filter of cippfIpFilterOrderPosition '4' will cause the existing filters of cippfIpFilterOrderPosition '5' and '6' to change to '4' and '5' respectively. When a filter is added to the order position of an existing filter of the same profile, the existing filter entry and all subsequent entries following it will increment their cippfIpFilterOrderPosition. This essentially move the existing filters towards the end of the filter profile. For example, if there are 6 filters in the profile, and their cippfIpFilterOrderPosition values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. If the user would like to add a new one and specifies '4' to be the cippfIpFilterOrderPosition of the new filter, the existing filters of cippfIpFilterOrderPosition values 4, 5, 6 will become 5, 6, 7. The cippfIpFilterOrderPosition value '0' is a special number meaning to append the filter to the last filter of the profile. Continue with our previous example, if another new filter is added and the user specifies the cippfIpFilterOrderPosition to be '0'. The new filter will actually be created with cippfIpFilterOrderPosition equal to 8. Finally, moving a filter within a profile will have the same effect of first deleting and then adding the filter to the new position. For example, if the filter of cippfIpFilterOrderPosition 2 is moved to 4, the filters originally at the cippfIpFilterOrderPosition 3 and 4 will be moved forward to 2 and 3 respectively and filters of all other cippfIpFilterOrderPosition values will remain unchanged.


Access Type

Parent cippfIpFilterEntry