
This object affects the way VLAN-based traffic is copied from a switch source port, for the indicated port copy operation. It is used in tandem with the portCopyLoVlanMask to identify all possible 4096 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID values. This object is used to select or deselect VLAN IDs 2048 though 4095. If this object contains a zero-length string, or none of the octets contain a non-zero value, and the associated portCopyLoVlanMask is not instantiated, contains a zero-length string, or contains only zero-valued octets, then network traffic will not be filtered, based on IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the indicated destination port. If this object has a non-zero length, and at least one octet contains a non-zero value, or the portCopyLoVlanMask contains at least one non-zero octet, then traffic will be filtered, based on the indicated IEEE 802.1Q or ISL VLAN ID, before it is copied to the indicated destination port. Only frames (tagged or untagged) which match the indicated VLAN ID(s) will be copied to the indicated destination port. VLAN IDs are encoded as a string of octets containing one bit per VLAN to be included in the port copy operation. The first octet corresponds to VLANs with VlanIndex values of 2048 through 2055; the second octet to VLANs 2056 through 2063; etc. The most significant bit of each octet corresponds to the lowest value VlanIndex in that octet. If the bit corresponding to a VLAN is set to '1', then the traffic associated with that VLAN will be selected for the indicated port copy operation. Note that if the length of this string is less than 256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs. The creation and deletion of instances of this object is controlled by the portCopyStatus object found in the augmented portCopyEntry. It is an implementation-specific matter as to how many VLANs may be selected from a particular physical source port at any one time, or whether this object may be modified while the associated portCopyStatus object is equal to 'active'.


Access Type

Parent portCopyXEntry