
The execution state of remote CLI: notActive: no 'applySentCLI' command has been given. This is the default state. The remote CLI reverts to this state each time when the 1st entry is added to rlCLIremoteCLIcommandsTable. inProcess: Executing commands - no output available outputAvailable: Some output is already available, although the commands execution may not be finished yet. waitingForOutputRetrieval: The rlCLIremoteCLIoutputsTable is full and remote CLI is waiting for the manager to retrieve the output. done: All the commands in rlCLIremoteCLIcommandsTable have been executed.


Access Type
readonly free(1), notActive(2), inProcess(3), outputAvailable(4), waitingForOutputRetrieval(5), done(6)

Parent rlCLIremoteCLIsupport