
This variable indicates the type of this host parameter. int - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamValue instance of this conceptual row. uint - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamUINT instance of this conceptual row. octetString - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row. ipV4address - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamIpAddress instance of this conceptual row. ipV6address - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as indicated in INET-ADDRESS-MIB. ipV6zAddress - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as indicated in INET-ADDRESS-MIB. inetAddress - the inet address type will be appear in the rlHostParamUINT instance and inet address itself will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as indicated in INET-ADDRESS-MIB. macAddress - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as in SNMPv2-TC. objectIdentifier - the value the value will be appear in the rlHostParamObjectId instance of this conceptual row. displayString - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as in SNMPv2-TC. truthValue - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamUINT instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as in SNMPv2-TC. portlist - the value will be appear in the rlHostParamOctetString instance of this conceptual row, to be interpreted as in Q-BRIDGE-MIB.


Access Type
readonly int(1), uint(2), octetString(3), ipV4address(4), ipV6address(5), ipV6zAddress(6), inetAddress(7), macAddress(8), objectIdentifier(9), displayString(10), truthValue(11), portlist(12)

Parent rlHostParamEntry