
Indicates the fraction part of the maximum percentage of available bandwidth allowed for incoming traffic of the specific traffic types on this port. The associated object filterPortBroadcastThreshold indicates the integer part of the maximum percentage of available bandwidth allowed for incoming traffic of the specific traffic types on this port. Either packets of the specific traffic types are dropped or the port is put into errdisable state depending on the value of filterPortSuppressionViolation on this port if the percentage of incoming traffic of the specific traffic type would exceed this limit. The traffic types that are enabled for this traffic suppression feature is indicated by filterPortBroadcastOption. The maximum percentage for the combination of this object value and the object value of filterPortBroadcastThreshold is 100.00 which indicates traffic of all traffic types should not be limited. The ability to suppress traffic in this manner exists only on certain ports. If it does not exist on this port, attempts to write a value of this object other than 100 are rejected. On platforms where filterPortSuppressionOption object is not supported, this object only applies to broadcast suppression.


Access Type

Parent filterPortEntry