
An object that allows entries in this table to be created and deleted using the RowStatus convention. A row in this table will be created after creating the TCB in both sides of the association. The creation of this row implies the creation of at least another row (depending on the number of local and remote addresses) in the tables sctpAssocLocalAddressTable and sctpAssocRemAddressTable. A row is deleted in sctpAssocTable when an association turns down (i.e., when the TCB is deleted according to [sctp] in both sides of the association). The deletion of a row in sctpAssocTable implies the deletion of the tables related to this association (sctpAssocLocalAddressTable and sctpAssocRemAddressTable). Also, a row is deleted in sctpAssocTable when a set operation is received from the manager with destroy option.


Access Type

Parent ceSctpAssocEntry