
Allows the initiation of an APS switch command on the APS group and channel specified by the index values. If the APS switch command cannot be executed because an equal or higer priority request is in effect, an error is returned. When read this object returns the last command written or noCmd if no command has been written to this channel since initialization. The return of the last command written does not imply that this command is currently in effect. This request may have been preempted by a higher priority local or remote request. In order to determine the current state of the APS group it is necessary to read the objects cApsStatusK1K2Rcv and cApsStatusK1K2Trans. The value lockoutOfProtection should only be applied to the protection line channel since that switch command prevents any of the working channels from switching to the protection line. Following the same logic, forcedSwitchProtectToWork and manualSwitchProtectToWork should only be applied to the protection line channel. forcedSwitchWorkToProtect and manualSwitchWorkToProtect should only be applied to a working channel.


Access Type

Parent cApsCommandEntry