
The status of this APS channel entry. An entry may not exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. A row in the cApsChanConfigTable may not be created, deleted, set to notInService or otherwise modified if the cApsChanConfigGroupName value is equal to an cApsConfigName value and the associated cApsConfigRowStatus object is equal to active. However, if the cApsConfigRowStatus object is equal to notInService, a row may be created, deleted or modified. In other words, a channel may not be added, deleted or modified if the group is active. A row may be created with an cApsChanConfigGroupName value that is not equal to any existing instance of cApsConfigName. This action is the initial step in adding a SONET LTE to a new APS group. If this object is set to destroy, the associated instance of cApsMapGroupName will be set to a string of size 0 and the cApsMapChanNumber will be set to -1. The channel status entry will also be deleted by this action. cApsChanConfigNumber must be set to a unique channel number within the APS group. The value 0 indicates the null channel. The values 1-14 define a working channel. When an attempt is made to set the corresponding cApsConfigRowStatus field to active the cApsChanConfigNumber values of all entries with equal cApsChanConfigGroupName fields must represent a set of consecutive integer values beginning with 0 or 1, depending on the architecture of the group, and ending with n, where n is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 14. Otherwise, the error inconsistentValue is returned to the cApsConfigRowStatus set attempt.


Access Type

Parent cApsChanConfigEntry