
The access filter which allows or denies certain ILMI registered addresses on this interface when ciscoAtmIfIlmiAddressRegistration is set to enable(1). permitAll - This permits all ILMI registered addresses. permitPrefix - The address being registered by ILMI should have their prefix portion of the address match the ILMI prefixes used on this interface. If there are any per-interface ILMI address prefixes configured, then the prefixes derived from the switch addresses are not considered ILMI prefixes for this interface. permitPrefixAndWellknownGroups - This is same as 'permitPrefix' but in addition it also allows the well-known group addresses. The well-known group addresses will be the old LECS address and any address matching the ATM Forum address prefix for well known addresses. (i.e.,C5.0079.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.00A03E) permitPrefixAndAllGroups - This is same as 'permitPrefix' but in addition it allows all group addresses. useGlobalDefaultFilter - It indicates that this interface uses the per-switch global default filter


Access Type
readwrite permitAll(1), permitPrefix(2), permitPrefixAndWellknownGroups(3), permitPrefixAndAllGroups(4), useGlobalDefaultFilter(5)

Parent ciscoAtmIfEntry