
Connection state in the Peer State Machine of the peer with which this Diameter server is communicating. closed(1) - Connection closed with this peer. waitConnAck(2) - Waiting for an acknowledgment from this peer. waitICEA(3) - Waiting for a Capabilities-Exchange- Answer from this peer. elect(4) - When the peer and the server are both trying to bring up a connection with each other at the same time. An election process begins which determines which socket remains open. waitReturns(5) - Waiting for election returns. r-open(6) - Responder transport connection is used for communication. i-open(7) - Initiator transport connection is used for communication. closing(8) - Actively closing and doing cleanup.


Access Type
readonly closed(1), waitConnAck(2), waitICEA(3), elect(4), waitReturns(5), rOpen(6), iOpen(7), closing(8)

Parent cdbpPeerStatsEntry