
An entry in this table is created for every MVRF in the device. Note that many implementations may have MVRF for global VRF (VRF0) by default in the device. Also note that existence of the correspoding VRF in L3VPN-MPLS-VPN-MIB is necessary for a row to exist in this table. Deletion of corresponding VRF in L3VPN-MPLS-VPN-MIB also results in deletion of a row here. But deletion of a row ie deletion of a MVRF here does not result in the deletion of the corresponding VRF in L3VPN-MPLS-VPN-MIB.


Access Type
readonly createdMvrf(1), deletedMvrf(2), modifiedMvrfDefMdtConfig(3), modifiedMvrfDataMdtConfig(4)

Parent ciscoMvpnGenericTable

Childs (4 objects)