
The semantics for this object are defined as follows. unauthenticated - The WNM hasn't initiated the authentication process yet. authenticationInProgress - The WNM has initiated the the authentication process to get authenticated with the WS entity and the process is currently underway. authenticationFailed - The WNM has failed to get authenticate successfully with the WS Entity. authenticated - The WNM has got authenticated with the WS entity and established a mutual trust relationship with the same. keysSetUpWithScm - The WNM has got authenticated with the WS Entity and set secret keys for securing the communication with the WS Entity. The WNM initiates authentication process only with an 'active' WDS entity. (The state of the WDS entity is given by the object cDot11csWdsInstanceState). Hence, all the authentication states other than 'unauthenticated' are valid only for an 'active' WDS entity. Also, the 'active' WDS entity ( the entity for which the the value of cDot11csWdsInstanceState is 'active ) has to be configured with the address of the WNM before the WNM initiates the authentication process. The value is always 'unauthenticated' for a WDS entity in 'backup' state.


Access Type
readonly unauthenticated(1), authenticationInProgess(2), authenticationFailed(3), authenticated(4), keysSetUpWithWds(5)

Parent cDot11csWnmConfigEntry