
This object specifies the interval of the congestion renotification from the media gateway to the MGC. In the event of congestion on the Media Gateway, gateway generates an event towards MGC. Using this message, MG requests percentage reduction in the rate of calls that MGC is attempting towards MG. After sending this indication, MG starts a timer based on 'cmedxCallRenotifInterval'. At this timer expires, MG will re-send the message to MGC indicating that it is still in congested state. If MGC does not receive another notification, MGC will resume to the original call rate. If MGC requires re-notifications, it is user's responsibility to set the value of this MIB object on MG appropriately. The value of this object should be set such that it factors into the network delay and re-notification timer (similar to this MIB object) configured on MGC. The zero means MGC does not require re-notifications, MGC will keep CallReduceRate until receive another notification from the Media Gateway.


Access Type

Parent cmedxCallReduceControlEntry