
This object indicates current operation status of the media gateway link. inService (1) - The media gateway link is in-service. pendingIs (2) - The media gateway link is in the process of establishing the service between MG and MGC. outOfService (3) - The service of the media gateway link is completely down due to the action of setting cmedxGAtewayAdminAction to 'downForceful(2)' or to 'downGraceful(3)'. pendingFoos (4) - The media gateway link is in the process of bringing down the service in response to the action of setting object cmedxGAtewayAdminAction to 'downForceful(2)'. pendingGoos (5) - The media gateway link is in the process of bringing down the service in response to the action of setting object cmedxGAtewayAdminAction to 'downGraceful(3)'. mgcDirectOos (6) - The media gateway link is out-of-service due to MGC disable the link. This state should occur very rarely, the way to recover from this state is to set cmedxGAtewayAdminAction to 'up(1)' or 'downForceful(2)'


Access Type
readonly inService(1), pendingIs(2), outOfService(3), pendingFoos(4), pendingGoos(5), mgcDirectOos(6)

Parent cmedxGatewayConfigEntry