
The destination of the download file. The allowable destination names depend on the type of agent being downloaded. In all cases, a destination of 'primary(1)' or 'secondary(2)' indicates that this is a download of the agent's firmware image. The agent will use 'primary(1)' as the default value for this object when the row is created. ICF router agents also allow a download of a config file. Currently, the name of the config file on the agent is 'config(3)'. ICF router agents also allow a download of a file to a remote server. A destination of 'remote(4)' indicates that this is a download to a remote server. An agent should reject an attempt to set this object to a destination name that does not make sense for this type of agent.


Access Type
readwrite primary(1), secondary(2), config(3), remote(4), other(5)

Parent adAOSDownloadEntry