
The value of vRtrMplsTpLspPathReasonDownFlags specifies the reason why the MPLS-TP LSP Path is operationally down when the administrative state is 'inService (2)'. The recognized BIT values are: unknown (0) - Unspecified (or unknown) ccFault (1) - BFD Continuity Check (CC) failed cvFault (2) - BFD Connectivity Verification (CV) failed ifDn (3) - The path out-link interface is operationally down portDn (4) - The port associated with the out-link interface is operationally down parentAdminDn (5) - The associated mpls-tp Lsp or mpls-tp instance or mpls instance is admin down mepAdminDn (6) - The path MEP is admin down unsupportedPort (7) - MPLS-TP functionality is not supported over the out-link port. ifNhAddrInconsistent (8) - The configured next-hop address is not bound to the configured out-link interface. ptcTmplMsng (9) - The protect-tp-path is missing a protection-template name. ccDnHold (10) - ccFault effect on path-state is on hold due to 'hold-time-down' config in the oam-template ccUpHold (11) - ccFault clear effect on path-state is on hold due to 'hold-time-up' config in the oam-template bfdNoRsrc (12) - bfd-enable failed since maximum number of supported bfd-sessions was reached.


Access Type

Parent vRtrMplsTpLspPathEntry