
The value of tmnxEthRingSubRingType specifies whether this Ethernet Ring is a sub-ring or not. A value of 'none (0)' specifies that the Ethernet Ring is not a sub-ring. A value 'virtualLink (1)' specifies that the Ethernet Ring is a sub-ring with R-APS virtual channel, while the value 'nonVirtualLink (2)' specifies that the Ethernet Ring is a sub-ring without R-APS virtual channel. This object MUST be set to a value other than 'none (0)' for tmnxEthRingSubRingInterconnectId and tmnxEthRingSubRingPropTopChange to be modified away from their default values.


Access Type
readwrite none(0), virtualLink(1), nonVirtualLink(2)

Parent tmnxEthRingConfigEntry