
This table is supported for backwards compatibility; the recommended way to configure L2TP LNS Group-Interfaces is by means of the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::svcIfSapCfgTable. The tmnxL2tpLnsIfTable contains objects to configure L2TP LNS Group-Interfaces. Entries in this table are created and destroyed by the system. The system automatically creates an entry in this table for each entry in the TIMETRA-SERV-MIB::iesIfTable where the value of iesIfType is equal to 'group' and the value of iesIfGroupInterfaceType is equal to 'lns'. Deletion of such a row in the iesIfTable results in the same fate for the corresponding row in this table.


Access Type

Parent tmnxL2tpLnsIfObjs

Childs (1 objects)