
This table contains one or more rows per physical network connection known to this agent. The agent may wish to ensure that only one tmnxLldpRemEntry is present for each local port and destination MAC address, or it may choose to maintain multiple tmnxLldpRemEntry rows for the same local port and destination MAC address. The following procedure may be used to retrieve remote systems information updates from an LLDP agent: 1. NMS polls all tables associated with remote systems and keeps a local copy of the information retrieved. NMS polls periodically the values of the following objects: a. lldpStatsRemTablesInserts b. lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes c. lldpStatsRemTablesDrops d. lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts e. tmnxLldpStatsRxPortAgeouts for all ports. 2. LLDP agent updates remote systems MIB objects, and sends out notifications to a list of notification destinations. 3. NMS receives the notifications and compares the new values of objects listed in step 1. Periodically, NMS should poll the object lldpStatsRemTablesLastChangeTime to find out if anything has changed since the last poll. if something has changed, NMS will poll the objects listed in step 1 to figure out what kind of changes occurred in the tables. if value of lldpStatsRemTablesInserts has changed, then NMS will walk all tables by employing TimeFilter with the last-polled time value. This request will return new objects or objects whose values are updated since the last poll. if value of lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts has changed, then NMS will walk the tmnxLldpStatsRxPortAgeouts and compare the new values with previously recorded ones. For ports whose tmnxLldpStatsRxPortAgeouts value is greater than the recorded value, NMS will have to retrieve objects associated with those ports from table(s) without employing a TimeFilter (which is performed by specifying 0 for the TimeFilter.) lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes and lldpStatsRemTablesDrops objects are provided for informational purposes.


Access Type

Parent tmnxLldpRemoteSystemsData

Childs (1 objects)