
This object specifies all the conditions that affect the operating status of this SDP Bind. The bit values are as follows: sdpBindAdminDown (0) - SDP Bind is admin down. svcAdminDown (1) - Service is admin down. sapOperDown (2) - SAP is oper down (VLL's only). sdpOperDown (3) - SDP is oper down. sdpPathMtuTooSmall (4) - SDP's path MTU minus SDP Bind control word size is less than Service MTU. noIngressVcLabel (5) - No ingress VC label. noEgressVcLabel (6) - No egress VC label. svcMtuMismatch (7) - Service MTU mismatch with the remote PE. vcTypeMismatch (8) - VC type mismatch with the remote PE. relearnLimitExceeded (9) - MAC relearn limit was exceeded (TLS only). iesIfAdminDown (10) - IP interface is admin down (IES and VPRN only). releasedIngressVcLabel (11) - Peer released our ingress VC label. labelsExhausted (12) - Label Manager has ran out of labels. svcParamMismatch (13) - Service-specific parameter mismatch. insufficientBandwidth (14) - Insufficient bandwidth to allocate to SDP binding. pwPeerFaultStatusBits (15) - Received PW fault status bits from peer. meshSdpDown (16) - Mesh SDP Down. notManagedByMcRing (17) - Not managed by mc-ring. outOfResource (18) - Such as memory. mhStandby (19) - Standby due to BGP. - multi-home protocol. oamDownMepFault (20) - ETH-CFM down MEP fault detected. oamUpMepFault (21) - ETH-CFM up MEP fault detected. standbySigSlaveTxDown (22) - Transmit is down for - standby-sig-spoke. operGrpDown (23) - Operational group is down. withdrawnIngressVcLabel(24) - Withdrawn due to Incompatiblity. vplsPmsiDown (25),- provider-tunnel down. recProtSrcMac (26) - Received a packet with a - protected source MAC. peerFaultStatusTxDown (27) - Transmit is down because - block-on-peer-fault is - enabled and received PW - faults status from peer


Access Type

Parent sdpBindEntry