
This object specifies all the conditions that affect the operating status of this SAP. The bit values are: sapAdminDown (0) - SAP is admin down. svcAdminDown (1) - Service is admin down. iesIfAdminDown (2) - IP interface is admin down (IES and VPRN only). portOperDown (3) - Access port is oper down. portMtuTooSmall (4) - Access port's MTU is < Service MTU l2OperDown (5) - L2 PVC/PVP is oper down (FR and ATM only). ingressQosMismatch (6) - Mismatch between ingress QoS and Scheduler policies. egressQosMismatch (7) - Mismatch between egress QoS and Scheduler policies. relearnLimitExceeded (8) - MAC relearn limit was exceeded (TLS only). recProtSrcMac (9) - Received a packet with a protected source MAC (TLS only). subIfAdminDown (10) - Subscriber interface is admin down (group-interface SAP only). sapIpipeNoCeIpAddr (11) - CE IP Address not configured for Ipipe SAP (IPIPE SAP only). sapTodResourceUnavail (12) - SAP with ToD had insufficient resources at boot time and got default policies. sapTodMssResourceUnavail (13) - MSS of this SAP uses ToD and due to insufficient resources at boot time got default scheduler policies. sapParamMismatch (14) - Service specific local parameter mismatch. sapCemNoEcidOrMacAddr (15) - ECID or MAC address not configured (CEM SAP only). sapStandbyForMcRing (16) - mc-ring keeps this SAP standby for the corresponding SAP on peer. sapSvcMtuTooSmall (17) - Service MTU is < SAP payload. ingressNamedPoolMismatch (18) - Invalid named-pool on the ingress side. egressNamedPoolMismatch (19) - Invalid named-pool on the egress side. ipMirrorNoMacAddr (20) - No MAC Address configured for the ip-mirror. sapEpipeNoRingNode (21) - No TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB ::tmnxMcEpipeSapEntry object configured for Epipe SAP (EPIPE SAP only). mcStandby (22) - indicates the SAP is standby because of a mutli-chassis protocol. mhStandby (23) - indicates the SAP is standby because of a BGP multi-home protocol. oamDownMepFault (24) - ETH-CFM down MEP fault detected. oamUpMepFault (25) - ETH-CFM up MEP fault detected. ethTunTagMisconfig (26) - Missing Eth-tunnel SAP tag(s). ingressPolicerMismatch (27)- indicate ingress policer - is parented to non-existent arbiter egressPolicerMismatch (28) - indicate egress policer - is parented to non-existent arbiter. sapTlsNoRingNode (29) - No TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB ::tmnxMcTlsSapEntry object configured for TLS SAP (VPLS SAP only). ethRingPathBlocked (30) - indicates eth-ring path is blocked. oamTunnelMepFault (31) - ETH-CFM Tunnel MEP fault detected. operGrpDown (32) - indicates operational-group is down.


Access Type

Parent sapBaseInfoEntry