
The value of the object svcTlsStpVersion specifies the version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is currently running. The value 'rstp' corresponds to the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1D/D4-2003. The value 'compDot1w' corresponds to the mode where the Rapid Spanning Tree is backward compatible with IEEE 802.1w. The value 'dot1w' corresponds to the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol fully conformant to IEEE 802.1w. The value 'mstp' corresponds to the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol specified in IEEE 802.1Q-REV/D3.0-04/2005. The value 'pmstp' corresponds to Provider MSTP protocol compliant with IEEE-802.1ad-2005. New values may be defined as future versions of the protocol become available.


Access Type
readwrite rstp(2), compDot1w(3), dot1w(4), mstp(5), pmstp(6)

Parent svcTlsInfoEntry