
Backbone VPLS ('bVpls') refers to the B-Component instance of the Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB/IEEE 802.1ah) feature. It represents the Multi-point tunneling component that multiplexes multiple Customer VPNs (ISIDs) together. It is similar to a regular VPLS instance that operates on the Backbone MAC addresses. ISID VPLS ('iVpls') or I-VPLS refers to the I-Component instance of the Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB/IEEE 802.1ah) feature. It identifies the specific VPN entity associated to a customer Multipoint (ELAN) service. It is similar to a regular VPLS instance that operates on the Customer MAC addresses. The value of the object svcVplsType specifies the VPLS service type. The value of this object must be specified when the row is created and cannot be changed while the svcRowStatus is 'active'.


Access Type
readwrite none(1), bVpls(2), iVpls(3), rVpls(10)

Parent svcBaseInfoEntry