
The value of vRtrIfCpmProtUncfgdProtoDropCnt indicates the number of network control protocol messages dropped due to the operation of the protocol protection facility. The protocol protection facility can be enabled and disabled by means of the object TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB::tmnxCpmProtDropUncfgdProtocolMsg. When the protocol protection facility is enabled, network control protocol traffic received on this virtual router interface is dropped if the protocol is not configured on this virtual router interface. The value of vRtrIfProtocol indicates which protocols are configured on this virtual router interface. This object is not supported on SR-1 and ESS-1, where the value of TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisType is '5', and 7710, where the value of TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB::tmnxChassisType is '7' or '9'.


Access Type

Parent vRtrIfEntry