
The current state of the 7x50 APS forced Tx-LAIS on the specified APS channel. Note that the 7x50 products always receive and transmit on the same (active) APS channel. For a Multi-Chassis (MC) APS or a unidirectional APS group, the 7x50 product may transmit (Tx) L-AIS on the inactive APS channel to force the remote end to receive traffic on the 7x50 selected active APS channel. The state clear indicates that the 7x50 product currently doesn't transmit any forced LAIS on the APS channel. The state momentary indicates that the 7x50 product has transmitted forced LAIS on the APS channel for a moment(e.g. 100 msec). The state persistent indicates that the 7x50 product has been persistently transmitting forced LAIS on the APS channel.


Access Type
readonly clear(0), momentary(1), persistent(2)

Parent tApsChanStatusEntry