
If different from 0, the object tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask specifies the IP Mask value for this policy IP Filter entry. The mask is ANDed with the received Destination IP address to match the tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpAddr. If the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask is non zero, it will be equal to the mask expressed the object tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask. If both tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask and tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask are set to 0, no matching is done on the Destination Ip address. This object should contain consecutive ones and zeros. Both a regular and an inverse mask is allowed (i.e. the sequence of consecutive ones can appear at the front or at the end of the mask). If a regular mask is specified for tIPFilterParamsDestIpFullMask then the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask will be changed to reflect this value. If an inverse is specified, the value of tIPFilterParamsDestinationIpMask will be set to 0.


Access Type

Parent tIPFilterParamsEntry