
The value of tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref specifies the secondary routing preference for traffic generated for SNMP notifications and syslog messages. The routing context specified by the tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref will be attempted if the remote destination was not reachable by the primary routing preference, specified by tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref. The value specified for tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref must be distinct from the value for tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref. A value of 'inband' specifies that the Logging utility will attempt to use the Base routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. A value of 'outband' specifies that the Logging utility will attempt to use the management routing context to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. A value of 'none' specifies that no attempt will be made to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to remote destinations. If the remote destination, as specified by tmnxStdDestAddr or tmnxSyslogTargetAddr, is not reachable via the routing contexts specified by tmnxEventPrimaryRoutePref and tmnxEventSecondaryRoutePref, the Log utility will fail to send SNMP notifications and syslog messages to the remote destination.


Access Type
readwrite inband(1), outband(2), none(3)

Parent tmnxLogObjs