
tmnxOamMcastTrRespFwdCode contains a forwarding information/error code: noError(0) - No error wrongIf(1) - Traceroute request arrived on an interface to which this router would not forward for this source,group,destination. pruneSent(2) - This router has sent a prune upstream which applies to the source and group in the traceroute request. pruneRecvd(3) - This router has stopped forwarding for this source and group in response to a request from the next hop router. scoped(4) - The group is subject to administrative scoping at this hop. noRoute(5) - This router has no route for the source or group and no way to determine a potential route. wrongLastHop(6) - This router is not the proper last-hop router. notForwarding(7) - This router is not forwarding this source,group out the outgoing interface for an unspecified reason. reachedRP(8) - Reached Rendez-vous Point or Core rpfIf(9) - Traceroute request arrived on the expected RPF interface for this source,group. noMulticast(10) - Traceroute request arrived on an interface which is not enabled for multicast. infoHidden(11) - One or more hops have been hidden from this trace. fatalError(12) - Router may know the previous hop but cannot forward the message to it. noSpace(129) - There was not enough room to insert another response data block in the packet. oldRouter(130) - The previous hop router does not understand traceroute requests adminProhib(131) - Traceroute is administratively prohibited. unknown(132) - Unknown forwarding code received.


Access Type
readonly noError(0), wrongIf(1), pruneSent(2), pruneRecvd(3), scoped(4), noRoute(5), wrongLastHop(6), notForwarding(7), reachedRP(8), rpfIf(9), noMulticast(10), infoHidden(11), fatalError(128), noSpace(129), oldRouter(130), adminProhib(131), unknown(132)

Parent tmnxOamMcastTrRespEntry