
The table of address information is relevant to this entity's IPv6 addresses for setting. The address information that can be read and set in this table is a subset of the address information that can be read in h3cIpv6AddrReadTable and ipv6AddrTable in IPV6-MIB. This table is used to configure IPv6 addresses of an interface identified by h3cIpv6AddrSetIfIndex. When users create or delete an entry in this table, the agent also increases or reduces a corresponding entry in the h3cIpv6AddrReadTable and ipv6AddrTable in IPV6-MIB. When an interface which has been assigned IPv6 address is deleted, the agent also deletes the entry corresponding to the interface in this table and h3cIpv6AddrReadTable. All IPv6 addresses in this table will also show in ipv6AddrTable in IPV6-MIB.


Access Type

Parent h3cIpv6AddressConfig

Childs (1 objects)