
mapClientInit: The client initiates the map. mapClientBegin: The client begins the process of registering to the server. mapClientAlgreq: The client requests to negotiate the algorithm. mapClientKexReq: The client requests to negotiate the key. mapClientAuthenReq: The client sends authentication information to the server. mapClientConfigReq: The client requests to get some configuration information from the server. Do not support now. mapClientReq: The client requests to register to the server. mapClientSuccess: The client registers to the server successfully. mapServerBegin: The server begins the process of receive a new register. mapServerAlgorithm:The sever begins to negotiate Algorithm. mapServerKexInit: The server replys to the algorithm negotiation packet from the client successfully and begin to negotiate key. mapServerAuthenInit: The server replys to the key negotiation packet from the client successfully and begin to authenticate client, in the case of the authentication-client method is not none. mapServerConfigInit: The server send some configuration information to client. Do not support now. mapServerInit: The server replys to the authentication packet from the client successfully and begin to receive client information. mapServerFinished: The server receives client information successfully.


Access Type
readonly mapClientInit(1), mapClientBegin(2), mapClientAlgreq(3), mapClientKexReq(4), mapClientAuthenReq(5), mapClientConfigReq(6), mapClientReq(7), mapClientSuccess(8), mapServerBegin(9), mapServerAlgorithm(10), mapServerKexInit(11), mapServerAuthenInit(12), mapServerConfigInit(13), mapServerInit(14), mapServerFinished(15)

Parent h3cDvpnMapEntry