
Writing reloadOnSchedule(2) to this object performs the reload operation on schedule. If h3cSysReloadScheduleTime is not set, the value of h3cSysReloadAction can't be set to 'reloadOnSchedule(2)'. Writing reloadAtOnce(3)to this object performs the reload operation at once, regardless of the h3cSysReloadScheduleTime. When reloadCancel(4)is set, the scheduled reload action will be cancelled and the value of h3cSysReloadAction will be 'reloadUnavailable(1)',the value of h3cSysReloadSchedule will be 0, h3cSysReloadTag will be given a value of zero length, but the content of h3cSysReloadScheduleTable will remain. The h3cSysReloadSchedule and h3cSysReloadTag determine the reload entity(ies) in mutually exclusive way. And the h3cSysReloadSchedule will be handled at first. If the value of h3cSysReloadSchedule is invalid, then the h3cSysReloadTag will be handled. If the value of h3cSysReloadSchedule is valid, the value of h3cSysReloadTag is ignored and a reload action will be implemented to the entity specified by h3cSysReloadEntity in the entry pointed by h3cSysReloadSchedule. If h3cSysReloadSchedule is valid, but the entry h3cSysReloadSchedule pointing to is not active, the reload action will be ignored , and an inconsistent value will be returned. If multiple entities are required to be reloaded at the same time, the value of h3cSysReloadTag must be specified to select the reload parameters in the h3cSysReloadSceduelTable, and h3cSysReloadSchedule must have the value of '0'. If the whole fabric is to be reloaded in an XRN device, all the units in the fabric must have at least one entry in the h3cSysReloadSceduelTable with the same tag in h3cSysReloadSceduelTagList. When a reload action is done, or there is no reload action, the value should be reloadUnavailable(1).


Access Type
readwrite reloadUnavailable(1), reloadOnSchedule(2), reloadAtOnce(3), reloadCancel(4)

Parent h3cSysReload