
This object is used to create and remove Web Cache entries. The following are the valid values that may be written to RowStatus: Writing createAndGo(4) to the RowStatus of a non-existent row shall create a row with default values and shall set the row to active(1). If the row already exists, it shall be an error. Writing createAndWait(5) to the RowStatus of a non-existent row shall create a row with default values and shall set the row to notInService(2). If the row already exists, it shall be an error. Writing active(1) to the RowStatus of an existing row shall change the value of that row to active(1). Writing active(1) to the RowStatus of an existing row that is already active(1) shall not cause an error, the row shall remain active(1). If the row does not exist, it shall be an error. Writing notInService(2) to the RowStatus of an existing row shall change the value of that row to notInService(2). Writing notInService(2) to the RowStatus of an existing row that is already notInService(2) shall not cause an error, the row shall remain notInService(2). If the row does not exist, it shall be an error. Writing destroy(6) to the RowStatus of a non-existent row shall be an error. If the row exists, it shall be removed. Writing notReady(3) to the RowStatus of a non-existent row or to an existent row shall be an error. If the user does not supply values for the necessary objects, default values will be supplied. Attempts to create more entries than the hardware can support shall be rejected.


Access Type

Parent h3cL4RedirectCacheEntry