
Set the port speed and duplex mode as follows: halfDuplex10(2) - 10Mbps and half duplex mode fullDuplex10(3) - 10Mbps and full duplex mode halfDuplex100(4) - 100Mbps and half duplex mode fullDuplex100(5) - 100Mbps and full duplex mode halfDuplex1000(6) - 1000Mbps and half duplex mode fullDuplex1000(7) - 1000Mbps and full duplex mode hundredBaseTX port can be set as halfDuplex10(2) fullDuplex10(3) halfDuplex100(4) fullDuplex100(5) hundredBaseFX port can be set as halfDuplex100(4) fullDuplex100(5) thousandBaseSX port can be set as halfDuplex1000(6) fullDuplex1000(7) The actual operating speed and duplex of the port is given by portSpeedDpxStatus.


Access Type
readonly reserved(1), halfDuplex10(2), fullDuplex10(3), halfDuplex100(4), fullDuplex100(5), halfDuplex1000(6), fullDuplex1000(7)

Parent portEntry