
This table is used to provide a list of ip interfaces under a given policy. Thus, the list generated under this table only applies to policies under the ip suite. Furthermore, the current mib specification resorts only two conditions: 1) a3ComRoutePolicyProtocolType set to ip_rip(2) 2) a3ComRoutePolicyProtocolType set to ip_ospf(3), a3ComRoutePolicyType is set to export(2) and the route about to be advertised is from ospf's direct policy. In any condition other than these two, this table will simply be ignored and no errors are returned, even if there are entries defined. In situations where either one of the conditions listed above is true and there are no entries in this table for the policy it is indexed by, any interface will satisfy. In other words, an empty list stands for an unconditional match on the interface, given all other preconditions apply. If one or more entries in this table are present and the policy is of one of the two types listed above, a route will be advertised/learned (or not, depending on a3ComRoutePolicyAction) only through the interfaces listed.


Access Type

Parent a3ComRoutePolicy

Childs (1 objects)