
This DisplayString is the network address of the gateway to the route address. Note that when the policy is of the type import(1), this object will correspond to a neighboring router address, and for export(2) policies, this object will most likely correspond to the address of the managed device. The following formats can be used for this object: IP cccc - ipAddress MIB IP nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn - decimal dotted format IPX AABBCCDD:AABBCCDDEEFF - network : node AppleTalk n[...].n[...] - dotted notation Also note that each format described above must be followed according to the protocol family set in the a3ComRoutePolicyProtocolType object. When using the ip family, the agent will be smart enough to understand either one of the two formats listed. Note then that the object a3ComRoutePolicyProtocolType must have been set before this object gets set in order to allow the agent to properly parse its contents. If a3ComRoutePolicySourceAddress is set to empty, which is the default value, the matching process will be independent from the address of the router that is advertising. The value of this object can be modified at any time.


Access Type

Parent a3ComRoutePolicyEntry