
When assigning multiple paths for a single port, and one or more of those paths is a dial-up Path, this object must identify which Path is the primary Path and whether it is a leased or dial-up Path. Similarly, the other Paths must be identified as secondaryDial. (The secondary Path must be a dial-up Path.) Note, if this object has been set to either primaryAuto(5) or secondaryAuto(6), the system will automatically determine the proper line type to use (ie, leased or dial), and the value of this object when examined via a GET or GETNEXT request will reflect the line type determined by the system. It will not return either primaryAuto(5) or secondaryAuto(6). In order for any modifications to take effect, the path must be enabled(re-enabled if it is already enable). This object's values are ignored for non-serial paths.


Access Type
readwrite primaryLeased(1), primaryDial(2), secondaryDial(3), other(4), primaryAuto(5), secondaryAuto(6), secondaryLeased(7), primaryAutoLeased(8), primaryAutoDial(9), secondaryAutoLeased(10), secondaryAutoDial(11)

Parent a3ComPathDialEntry