
This object is used to add or delete virtual ports. When adding a new virtual port, only the createAndGo method of adding rows is supported. Specifically, all essential elements of the row must be specified in the same SET request PDU. For a non-dialup (PPP) port, these elements are the circuit identifier (a3ComPortCircuitID), the Parent Port (a3ComPortPath), and the virtual port number (which is specified by the instance identifiers associated with each of these objects). Note, this virtual port number gets mapped uniquely to a port label. It is these port labels that are used to identify ports via the User Interface. For a diaup (PPP) port, these elements are the IncomingCallerID(a3ComPortInCallerId), the dynamic dialpool (a3ComPortPath with value of -1), and the virtual port number.


Access Type

Parent a3ComPortEntry