
This object identifies the results of the most recent attempt at a file operation. If no file operations have been attempted since the system was initialized, this object will have the value none(1). If the last operation was successful, this object will have the value successful(2). If the last operation could not be initiated because there was another operation in progress, this object will have the value inProgress (3). If the source IP Address is invalid, this object will have the value badSourceAddr(4). If the source file name contains a syntax error, this object will have the value badSourceFile(5). If the target IP Address is invalid, this object will have the value badTargetAddr(6). If there was a syntax error in the identification of the target file (a3sysFmTargetFile), this object will have the value badTargetFile(7). If the remote server does not respond, this object will have the value noResponse(8). If either the source file or target file could not be found, this object will have the value noFile(9). If there is no space on the destination system this object will have the value noSpace(10). If the destination file location is write protected, this object will have the value noPermission(11). If there is an error encountered while writing the file to its destination, this object will have the value writeError(12). If the transfer took too much time and exceeded its limits, this object will have the value timeout(13). If the verify operation failed, this object will have the value badChecksum(14). If the operation requested is not supported by this platform or software version, this object will have the value badOperation(15). If the opereration was aborted by a user, this object will have the value aborted(16). If no drive is indicated in either the source or target files, and the default drive is not local (this will be the case when the system obtained its config files over the network the last time it booted), this object will have the value badDefaultDrv(18). This object will have the value other(17) if an error occured that is not listed here.


Access Type
readonly none(1), successful(2), inProgress(3), badSourceAddr(4), badSourceFile(5), badTargetAddr(6), badTargetFile(7), noResponse(8), noFile(9), noSpace(10), noPermission(11), writeError(12), timeout(13), badChecksum(14), badOperation(15), aborted(16), other(17), badDefaultDrv(18), badTargetPort(19)

Parent a3ComFileMgmt