
This object is used to initiate a file management operation. When set to copy(2), the system will get the file from the Source device (identified by a3sysFmSourceIpAddr and a3sysFmSourceFile) and copy it to the Target device (identified by a3sysFmTargetIpAddr and a3sysFmTargetFile). Note, both the Source and Target devices cannot be remote systems. At least one must be the local system. All information about the file and the server is taken from the values of the other objects in this group. To avoid unnecessary errors, the relevant objects in this group should be examined and their values validated before setting this object to copy(2). Currently, the do(3) enumeration is not supported. If this object is set to delete(4), the system will delete a single file on the local storage device. The file is identified by a3sysFmTargetFile. For software release 6.2, the rename(5) enumeration is not supported. This is supported, however, by release 7.0. If this object is directory(6), the system will list the file in the directory identified by a3sysFmTargetFile. The resulting list can be obtained by examining a3sysDfTable. For software release 6.2, enumerations 7 through 9 are not supported. Enumeration 7 and 9 are supported by release 7.0. If this object is set to abortCopy(10), the system will abort any file copy process in progress. If this object is set to makeDir(11), the system will create a directory off the root directory. The name of this directory is specified by a3sysFmTargetFile. If this object is set to rmDir(12), the system will remove the directory identified by a3sysFmTargetFile. If this object is set to getFileInfo(13), the system will retrieve information about the file identified by a3sysFmTargetFile and return that information via the a3ComFileInfo group. (ie, examine the contents of that group after this object is set to getFileInfo(13)). If this object is set to ftpGet(14), the system will retrieve the file identified by a3sysFmSourceFile. It will retrieve the file from the device from which the configuration files were originally obtained. That device can be identified by a3sysLbConfigFileIpAddr. Note, even if the config files were obtained locally, a valid IP address may have been configured. That is the device used for future ftp operations. If a path is not specified, the file will be taken from the configuration file directory. The config file directory cay be identified by a3sysLbConfigFilePath. If a relative path is specified, and the configuration files were originally obtained (ie, at last boot) from the network, the path is interpreted relative to the configuration file directory. If a relative path is specified and the configuration files were originally obtained locally, the path is interpreted relative to the login directory. Absolute paths are allowed. Once obtained, the file will be placed in the location identified by a3sysFmTargetFile. Note, this must be on one of the local storage devices. If this object is set to ftpPut(15), the system will place the file identified by a3sysFmSourceFile and place it on the device from which the config files were obtained originally. The path and filename of the placed file is identified by a3sysFmTargetFile. As with ftpGet(14), if a relative path is specified, and the configuration files were originally obtained from the network, the path is interpreted relative to the configuration file directory. If a relative path is specified and the configuration files were originally obtained locally, the path is interpreted relative to the login directory. Absolut paths are allowed. Note, the source file must be on one of the local storage devices. If this object is read, other(1) will be returned.


Access Type
readwrite other(1), copy(2), do(3), delete(4), rename(5), directory(6), format(7), copySystem(8), checksum(9), abortCopy(10), makeDir(11), rmDir(12), getFileInfo(13), ftpGet(14), ftpPut(15), cleanFlash(16)

Parent a3ComFileMgmt