
This object identifies the source from which the system attempts to boot. If this object is set to localMediaA(1), the system will attempt to boot from drive A of the local storage media (A is the flash drive for those systems with both flash and floppy drives), using the filename identified by a3sysUblFileName. If this is set to localMediaB(2), the system will boot from drive B. If this object is set to network (3), the system will attempt to boot from a BOOTP/TFTP server attached to the network. The network interface that is used in the booting is identified by both a3sysUblSlot and a3sysUblInterface. The name of the boot file on the remote system is identified by a3sysUblFileName. monitor(4) is no longer supported. If this object has the value other(5), nothing has been specified.


Access Type
readwrite localMediaA(1), localMediaB(2), network(3), monitor(4), other(5), auto(6)

Parent a3sysUserBootListEntry