
This parameter determines the boot source when the system is powered on or reset. If monitor (1) is chosen, the system enters monitor mode immediately. If userListOnce (2) is chosen, the system attempts to boot from primary and secondary sources defined by the User Boot List. (Specifics about the use of the secondary boot source are provided by a3sysBootSources.) This list may identify network boot sources or local floppy sources, or both. If userListForever (3) is chosen, the system will keep trying the sources listed in the User Boot List until one of them is successful. If local(4) is chosen, the system will boot from the local floppy. The name of the file used is identified by the value of a3sysUblFileName for the Primary Boot Source.


Access Type
readwrite monitor(1), userListOnce(2), userListForever(3), local(4)

Parent a3ComBoot