
The action taken when a packet matches all the masks (applied in the proper context) identified in this policy entry. If this object has the value discard(1), then all packets that match the masks and context of this entry are discarded. If this object has the value forward(2), then all packets that match the masks and context of this entry are forwarded. If this object has the value count(3), then all packets that match the masks and context of this entry are counted. The actual counts can be obtained by requesting the values of a3filterPolicyPackets and a3filterPolicyBytes. If this object has the value sequence(4), then all bridged packets destined for a port with multiple serial paths that match the masks and context of this entry are forwarded in sequence. If this object has the value prioritze, then all packets destined for a port supported by one or more serial paths that match the masks and context of this entry are given higher priority. If this object has the value doddiscard(8), then all packets that match the masks and context of this entry will be subjected to the 'DODdiscard' action; ie, those packets will be discarded and will not raise a DOD path if the path is down, or if the path is UP, those packets will be forwarded but will not keep the path up. If this object has the value x25ProfId(9), then all packets that match the masks and context of this entry will use the X25 Profile identified by a3filterPolicyX25ProfId when passing those packets over an X25 network.


Access Type
readwrite discard(1), forward(2), count(3), sequence(4), prioritizeHigh(5), prioritizeMed(6), prioritizeLow(7), doddiscard(8), x25ProfId(9)

Parent a3filterPolicyEntry