
This object specifies the type of data that is being matched. The value of this object determines which column(s) are relevant for this entry. If this object is set to all(1), any value is considered as matching, and the values of the following columns are ignored: a3filterUserMaskMatchBits, a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1, and a3filterUserMaskMatchValue2. If this object is set to bits(2), then the packet location identified by the *Loc* columns (and after the indicated bit operations) is compared to the bits identified by a3filterUserMaskMatchBits. The values of a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1 and a3filterUserMaskMatchValue2 are ignored in this case. If this object is set to value(3), then the value contained in the specified packet location is compared to the value specified by a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1. The values of a3filterUserMaskMatchBits and a3filterUserMaskMatchValue2 are ignored in this case. If this object is set to valueRange(4), then the value contained in the specified packet location is compared to the range of values specified by a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1 and a3filterUserMaskMatchValue2. The value of a3filterUserMaskMatchBits is ignored in this case. Finally, if this object is set to userGroup(5), then the MAC address contained in the specified packet location is compared to the members of the User Group identified by a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1. In this case, the value of a3filterUserMaskMatchValue1 identifies one or more entries in a3filterUserGrpAddrTable. The values of a3filterUserMaskMatchBits and a3filterUserMaskMatchValue2 are ignored.


Access Type
readwrite all(1), bits(2), value(3), valueRange(4), userGroup(5)

Parent a3filterUserMaskEntry