
Setting this variable to turnUpsOff(2) causes the UPS to shut off. When in this state, the UPS will not provide output power regardless of the input line state. Setting this variable to turnUpsOffGracefully(3) causes the UPS to shut off after a delay period. This allows the host to shut down in a graceful manner. When in this state, the UPS will not provide output power regardless of the input line state. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG) the turnUpsSyncGroupOff(4) command will perform a Synchronized Turn Off of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. If this UPS is an active member of a Synchronized Control Group (SCG) the turnUpsSyncGroupOffAfterDelay(5) command will perform a Synchronized Turn Off After Delay of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. This unit's Shutdown Delay will be used to execute the Turn Off After Delay command. If this UPS is an active member of an SCG, the turnUpsSyncGroupOffGracefully(6) command will perform a Synchronized Turn Off Gracefully of all active Group members regardless of their current AC output status. This unit's Maximum Shutdown Time and Shutdown Delay will be used to execute the Turn Off Gracefully command. Setting this value to noTurnUpsOff(1) has no effect. The value noTurnUpsOff(1) will always be returned when the variable is read.


Access Type
readwrite noTurnUpsOff(1), turnUpsOff(2), turnUpsOffGracefully(3), turnUpsSyncGroupOff(4), turnUpsSyncGroupOffAfterDelay(5), turnUpsSyncGroupOffGracefully(6)

Parent upsAdvControl