
The full path of the configuration file to be used the next time the device restarts. There is no guarantee that the file referenced exists (i.e. it may have been deleted since the configuration path was last set). Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all SNMP users, and an operation may not be started unless the current value of bootCnfgSetStatus is 'idle'. The path must not contain whitespace characters. Immediately upon setting this object, the system will attempt to set the new configuration path, and the process will continue on the device until it has completed or a failure occurs. The current status of the operation can be determined by reading bootCnfgSetStatus, and the result of the last completed operation is indicated by bootCnfgLastSetResult. This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear the current boot configuration. Otherwise, the path should be of the form 'flash:/filename.cfg' or 'card:/filename.cfg'. There are several requirements that must be met in order to set a boot configuration file successfully: - The file must exist. - The file must be in the flash (on the active master in a stacked environment) or card filesystems. - The file must have a .cfg suffix. - In a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space available to store the configuration file on each stack member.


Access Type

Parent nextBootConfig