
Status and action object for the load module. The values 1 to 5 are read-only values and reflect the state of the load module. Values 4 and 5 (complete and reset) are 'read-once', that is, if their values are read, either by SNMP or by manager console command, then they will be changed back to idle(1). The action values (6,7,8) cause a start and stop of the load/upload process respectively. Starting the load/upload can only occur if this field has the values 1, 4, or 5. Stopping the load can only occur is this field has the values 2 or 3. Reading the value of the loadStatus after one of actionstart or actionstop has been set will give one of the values 1 to 5. Note: A single exception to the above rules is that if the value of loadStatus is idle(1), then a write of 1 to this variable will succeed without generating an error. This exception is to allow certain SNMP test suites to test this variable without throwing up errors.


Access Type
readwrite idle(1), wait(2), loading(3), complete(4), reset(5), actionload(6), actionstop(7), actionupload(8)