
The DNS SRV request sent to the DNS server must specify a domain name. The LDAP client will determine where to get this domain name based on one of the following three options: - extractSearchDomainFromLoginID: With this option, the LDAP client will use the domain name in the login id. For example, if the login id is joesmith@mycompany.com, the domain name equals mycompany.com. If the domain name cannot be extracted, the DNS SRV will fail, causing the user authentication to fail automatically. - useOnlyConfiguredSearchDomainBelow: With this option, the LDAP client will use the domain name configured in the Search Domain parameter. - tryLoginFirstThenConfiguredValue: With this option, the LDAP client will first attempt to extract the domain name from the login id. If this succeeds, this domain name will be used in the DNS SRV request. If there is no domain name present in the login id, the LDAP client will instead use the configured Search Domain parameter as the domain name in the DNS SRV request. If nothing is configured, user authentication will fail immediately.


Access Type
readonly extractSearchDomainFromLoginID(0), useOnlyConfiguredSearchDomainBelow(1), tryLoginFirstThenConfiguredValue(2)

Parent ldapClientCfg