
Modem Operation Mode. The following enumerated values are supported: online(0) - Device can acquire a system and make calls. lowPower(1) - Device has temporarily disabled RF. factoryTest(2) - Special mode for manufacturer tests. offLine(3) - Device has deactivated RF and is partially shutdown. reset(4) - Device is in the process of power cycling. shuttingDown(5) - Device is in the process of shutting down. persistentLowPower(6) - Device has disabled RF and state persists even after a reset. modeOnlyLowPower(7) - Mode-only Low Power. unknown(255) - Unknown.


Access Type
readonly online(0), lowPower(1), factoryTest(2), offLine(3), reset(4), shuttingDown(5), persistentLowPower(6), modeOnlyLowPower(7), unknown(255)

Parent fgMdmInfoEntry